Mathematics K - 12


    All students deserve a high-quality mathematics program designed to prepare them for college and careers in the 21st Century. Marblehead Public Schools offers a cohesive, focused, clear, and rigorous mathematics curriculum for ALL learners. Our PK - 12 mathematics program is oriented for students in a developmentally appropriate, and outcomes oriented way. It centers on knowing where all students fall within a developmental continuum of Mathematics and guides students using a balance of concrete, conceptual, and procedural knowledge, computational skills, and problem solving practices aligned to the Massachusetts Mathematics Framework incorporating the Common Core State Standards. Through problem solving and reasoning, we work to develop students who like to: solve challenging problems, persist until a solution is found, reflect on their solutions and methods, make adjustments throughout the problem solving process, recognize that through solving problems one learns, listen to others, and analyze and verify their peers’ lines of reasoning. Understanding mathematics involves engaging students in rich tasks, hands-on learning, and developing a positive disposition.

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